Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Butterflies and Alligator

Muncie has a long tradition of having fun events on Thursday. This works well because Thursday is my day off. Most of the time I don't really want to go out or do anything, which is why it's helpful to have someone to force me to go outside. Last Thursday, Makenna and I went to the Muncie Bridge Dinner, an annual event where people go to a bridge and eat dinner. There are food trucks, live music, and crowds. Lots of people.

Some of the food trucks had interesting menus.

That sign may be hard to read. It says alligator. ALLIGATOR. And there's no way we were turning down that opportunity.

There were crayons to draw on the paper table cloth.

We also got fish 'n' chips. It was delicious. That's Payne's Fish and Chips in Gas City, IN. Give it a visit if you're in the area.

This butterfly kept flying around us while we ate.

 And a couples picture for the scrapbook. The bridge is in the background, there.

This was a nice day. It's nice to know that I can still have a good day out and about without even leaving town. I just have to have the willingness to go adventure and somebody to do it with.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Starting Out

After years of unfinished projects and untapped potential, I am trying to curb my lack of motivation via intentional living. I have finally hit a point in my life where my time is more limited than my creativity. My job schedule is demanding, and doesn't leave me with much time to myself. As a result, I'm trying to cut out unnecessary timesinks and plan my days out better instead of only living moment to moment.

This has been difficult due in part to an ongoing depression that, though I had dealt with for a time, has been slowly returning. I have always been averse to the idea of counseling, but it's not something I can reasonably continue to avoid. Last week I had a phone session, and have been referred to an in-person session next week.

In order to help me keep track of my goals, I am using the website The goal of this blog will be to document both the completion of those goals and any other things that I find worth mentioning. Unfortunately, I only got around to writing this first post five days after I started working on my goals, but as ever, time has been limited. As such, I probably won't work too had to ensure these posts are the most interesting works of writing that exist. However, they should serve well to help me share my adventures with others who might be interested in hearing about them.