January goals I completed:
- Buy a car: While this hasn't happened yet, I did test drive a car last week. It was good enough, so I'm try to negotiate with the dealer now.
- Revive my dying plant: When I moved to Muncie a year and a half ago, Makenna and I each bought a houseplant. Mine had been going strong for quite a while. Unfortunately, I think I combination of the cold weather and my pot's drainage getting clogged were killing her. While the original plant is now truly dead, I did cut off a couple clippings to propagate her. One of those died, but the other is still going strong a few weeks later. So this may be a success? Too early to tell.

- Make YouTube videos: I posted the first one yesterday. My goal was to have 3-4 by the end of the month. I currently have two that are finished and two that are started. Mission partially accomplished.
- Block schedule my week: I talked about this earlier. I did this and it's been helping me stay on track, though it's not perfect and I'm not always the best at keeping it. But the fact that I'm writing this is evidence of some success there.
- Custom MtG set: Finish first draft of uncommons. I'm mostly happy with where they sit, and I've moved back to the commons. It's coming along. I hope to have this finished by June.
- Plan the year for Day Zero Project: Duh. What does it look like I'm doing?

- Get antidepressants: I started therapy, but it wasn't quite enough. I've been taking Lexapro for a couple weeks now. I should start seeing results in a couple more. Hopefully I will. I gave up drinking for this (lol jk I barely drink anyway).
- Begin exercising regularly: One of my coworkers is a personal trainer. I got him to set me up with a workout plan and help me get comfortable with the gym. It's been going okay. Though I have missed several days, I am doing a lot more than I ever have in the past and that's a success.
- Clean out my phone so it stops being so slow: Well, I cleaned it out. The slow part is still up in the air.
- Print photos of my friends to decorate with: Well, I'm not pleased with the quality of the photos Snapfish sent me, but I do have enough decent ones to decorate. Probably gonna do that sometime this weekend.
- List important birthdays/anniversaries so that dates stop sneaking up on me: Did it! I even got a couple of birthday presents in time for friends' birthdays. It's helping already.

January goals I didn't complete (these will become February goals):
- Make a schedule to keep in touch with people: The problem is I'm not sure where to start or if my free time will coincide with the people I'm trying to talk to. Still
- Open a savings account: Just something I totally forgot to schedule,
- Get a bike: Kelsey literally has one in her garage she wants to give me. I just have to go pick it up, but I haven't yet.
- Read Gardens of the Moon: I even scheduled reading time at night. However, that's the part of the schedule I'm not great at keeping up with.

New February goals:
- Get a new wallet: I almost bought one, then I was like "I can find a cheaper good one online." But nope, I haven't been able to.
- Make MyHeritage give back the money they stole: I cancelled my free subscription in time and they still gave me a full year one. They are the worst.
- Get rid of 100 things: My apartment is a mess, in part because I have too much stuff.
- Visit Kelly: Already planned for the 22nd!
- Practice blind-solving Rubik's cube: Not gonna try to get down to 10 minutes just yet, but I need to practice my memorization a LOT more.
There will probably be more goals added during the month. You will see them when I write next month's update. Thanks for checking in. Stay fresh.
Great list, pal! Michael Hyatt always says, "What gets planned, get's done." You're on the right track, and I'm proud of you!